Grön växt till vänster, Locums kvinnliga recepetionist ler välkomnande. Stor locum logotyp syns till höger.
Grön växt till vänster, Locums kvinnliga recepetionist ler välkomnande. Stor locum logotyp syns till höger. in English

Properties for life

Alongside the health services and our public owners, we offer attractive, sustainable care environments for the current and future inhabitants of Region Stockholm.

A hospital is a complex property. It has many technical systems that must run around the clock to provide crucial care. Well-functioning maintenance and operation is the foundation of our administration. Alongside our contractors at the hospitals, we work every day to ensure that heating, water, power, medical gases, and ventilation work as intended.

We annually manage around 700 construction projects. Together with our suppliers we carry out adaptations, maintenance projects, and major investments. In the next few years we will focus on development in digitalisation, innovation, sustainability, and self-leadership.

Two million square metres of helth care properties

The healthcare properties are located in Stockholm County from Norrtälje in the north and Södertälje and Handen in the south. Our portfolio includes two university hospitals, five emergency hospitals, and eight smaller hospitals.

Illustrerad karta över Locums fastigheter.
Picture: Map showing the location of Locum´s healthcare properties 

In cooperation with our clients we develop, build, and manage healthcare properties in order to offer the inhabitants of Region Stockholm attractive and sustainable care environments. With expertise, experience, and commitment, we lead the development of the best healthcare environments in Sweden through innovation and collaboration with other actors.

Unique project portfolio

Over a ten-year period, Locum realised the biggest project portfolio ever in order to meet the county’s future care needs. Between 2011 and 2022, major development projects were carried out in the form of new constructions, additions, and renovations on behalf of Region Stockholm in close collaboration with the healthcare services. An exceptional task which is unique, challenging, and rewarding.

Huddinge_chopin_illustration-700.jpgPicture: One of the new healthcare buildings. This one at Karolinska Huddinge

Considering that it had been many years since a new hospital was built in Stockholm, these big construction projects increased the expertise within our organisation and in the construction sector as a whole. 

Read more about Locum in the folder:

